YOGYAKARTA A number of studies and sexologist recommendations, watching porn with a partner can increase the challenges of making love. But what if your partner watches porn alone, should you worry?

If you feel jealous, anxious, and worried when you find out that your partner is watching porn, you are not alone. Launching The Everyday, Wednesday, September 28, you may not feel enough for your partner. Maybe you're worried that you won't be able to meet your partner's needs. Even feeling afraid that by watching porn, your partner will cheat or do things that are not with other people. But that worry can cause the relationship to worsen, you know.

There is no scientific evidence showing watching porn can cause physical or psychological damage to a person. While many claim this is true, the research conducted with these two variables is correlative. That is, not watching porn that causes bad behavior, but pornography is correlated and not linear to the negative effects it causes.

In real-case cases, if your partner watches porn doesn't mean he's not interested in you. It doesn't mean you're not satisfying your partner in bed or your partner doesn't think you're any longer attractive. Films with adult content, related to fantasy, says porn founder and director of site Printree. That doesn't describe every day of real-life relationships.

Through this fact, every couple needs to develop a healthy relationship related to pornography. For example, if watching porn makes a person give up the responsibility and sexual ability of your partner, then it can be a problem.

According to assistant clinical professor at Master of Science in Marriage and Theraphy, Northwestern University, Alexandra Solomon, Ph.D., couples need to agree on a collaborative framework. Launching Psychology Today, deeper intimacy can be forged even though they know your partner is watching porn. As by listening to your partner's explanation and understanding their experience. That way deeper intimacy will be formed instead of worrying that destroys the relationship.

You and your partner need to make a deal so that pornography doesn't erode the connection. It may initially feel awkward, but positive communication about each other's sexuality from each pair needs to be built. The goal is to explore passion together and keep pornography from damaging the relationship.

Solomon's advice, with a patient dialogue, high curiosity, and honesty can change your feelings of worry and anxiety about watching porn in relationships.

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