JAKARTA - Approaching high school graduation, children are directed to find the university they are interested in. Studying abroad is one of the most popular destinations today. Therefore, IPEKA Christian School again held INSPIRE Vol. 2, a virtual education exhibition with the concept of a one-stop event.

INSPIRE Vol. 2 will take place from 19 to 24 September 2022. In this exhibition, 15 locations of IPEKA Christian Schools in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Palembang, Balikpapan, Makassar, and Arrowstar Kindergarten will be present in the form of virtual booths. This makes it easier for visitors to get information from all IPEKA Christian School locations in one platform.

INSPIRE Vol. This 2 years combines educational exhibitions with other interesting activities such as Webinars, Talkshows, Workshops, Students Contests, and Students Performance, and other activities that can be accessed for free.

INSPIRE Coordinator Diana Raharja revealed that this virtual exhibition is a means to get comprehensive information about the world of education. "INSPIRE is a solution for parents who are looking for information about quality educational partners," Diana said when contacted on Thursday, September 22.

This virtual exhibition can be visited by the general public, especially for prospective students and parents of students who are looking for information about education and schools from kindergarten, junior high, high school, to undergraduate levels.

There are 30 virtual booths in INSPIRE Vol. 2 which is divided into two categories, namely IPEKA Expo and University Expo. Through this virtual booth, visitors can interact directly with exhibitors by conducting live consultations.

At IPEKA Expo there were 16 virtual booths covering all locations of IPEKA Christian School, Arrowstar Kindergarten, IPEKA Counseling Center, IPEKA Career Department, and King Sejong Institute Tangerang.

Then, there were 14 virtual booths at the University Expo which included City University of Hong Kong, Canadian Education International, Handong Global University, Dallas Baptist University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Beijing Institute of Technology, Taiwan Education Center Indonesia, Bina Nusantara University, Atma Jaya Unika, Multimedia Nusantara University, Pelita Harapan University, Tarumanagara University, and Parahyangan Catholic University.

The variety of talk shows and webinars that were presented contained inspirational and informative resource persons such as the Parenting Webinar: Equipping Children with Life Skills from an Early Age which was held on Saturday, 24 September 2022 presenting the Chairman of Ciputra School of Business, Makassar, Dr. Ir. Tony Antonio, M.Eng. Still on the same day, there was also a Parenting Webinar: Bridging the Generation Gap, How to Build Relationships with Teenagers, presenting the Founder of 3JEPS Ministry, Pdt. Marojahan Sintong Sijabat, M.TH. as a speaker.

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