Getting To Know 4 Systems Of Body Response During Sexual Intercourse
Illustration (Nikolina/Pexels)

JAKARTA - You may realize what happens when you have sex, but don't necessarily know what happens to the body when you make love to your partner physiologically.

What changes have been experienced and how did that happen. Well, curious to know? Launching the Cleveland Clinic, Friday, September 16, experts share sex in four phases, namely desire, passion, orgasm, and resolution.

Want to know the explanation and see what happens during each sex phase, here's the next explanation.

This phase can last for several minutes until a few hours. Characteristics include:

Please note, each person's sexual experience is different. Some may not consistently experience the things above. This can not only vary between individuals, but also in each session sexual intercourse can be different. Sometimes the phase of desire may arise after passion.

This phase is arguably the initial door for orgasm. Characteristics are;

This phase is the climax of the sexual response cycle. This is the shortest phase and generally only lasts a few seconds. The general characteristics of this phase include;

During this phase, the body slowly returns to its normal level of function. Body parts are swollen and tense back to the previous size and color. This phase is characterized in some ways, such as feelings of happiness and frequent fatigue. Some women are able to return quickly to the orgasm phase with further sexual stimulation and may experience several orgasms.

While men usually need time to recover after orgasm, which is called a refractory period. Where they can't reach orgasm anymore. The duration of the refractory period varies between individuals and changes with age.

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