JAKARTA - There are complaints from netizens about Sule and Nathalie Holscher who are divorced. So far, Sule has finally opened up about the news that she objected to buying her child with Nathalie Holscher, Adzam, a tablet phone. Regarding this allegation, Sule said that netizens only raised the problem.

"Yes, that's what social media is called, sometimes the title hurts. It's a pity there too. If I'm used to it, it's flying hours," said Sule, quoted from the YouTube Intens Investigasi, Friday, September 16.

Sule said that she didn't mind buying her tablet. He only asked what the tablet used, especially since the child was a baby.

"It's just a reaction. Because of the question for what, the child is still a baby. Some are pros and cons. But he has been used to it since childhood so he doesn't get fussy watching it," he explained.

Furthermore, Sule also answered accusations by netizens who called him favoritism towards Adzam and his other children, because to buy tablets, they objected. For this accusation, Sule clearly revealed that the inheritance assets for Adzam had been prepared.

"All the children have been prepared. Right now Adzam has been given, the car house has been given. What do you want? If other needs like school, we will bear it. What can we find treasures for," concluded Sule, quoted from ERA.

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