JAKARTA - Baim Wong's content with children has sparked controversy. Baim is accused of using other people for his content, especially since he did not censor the child's face, which is considered to be detrimental to the child.

In addition, Baim also brought in children, mothers, and teachers to make several content videos on YouTube. Not a few netizens support Baim's actions. However, there are also those who are sarcastic because Baim is considered to be exploring the sadness of netizens for profit.

Uus and Deddy Corbuzier made a direct satire against Baim Wong regarding their content with an elementary school boy that went viral forturies. This satire was conveyed by Uus and Deddy in the Somasi episode that aired on Deddy's YouTube, on Sunday, September 11.

Initially the two talked about themselves that many people didn't like. Uus then said that what he liked was creating content to help others, which eventually made Deddy mention Baim Wong's name.

"Yes, indeed. If many like it, then they won't be here," said Deddy Corbuzier.

"That's right. I'm content with people," said Uus.

"If people want to buy fuel, the money is lacking, don't blame the government. It's better to queue at Baim's house," added Deddy.

Uus, who was surprised to hear Deddy clearly said that Baim could only laugh. Uus explained that the content that shared with other people was not only Baim, but he did want to insinuate Paula Verhoeven's husband.

"I don't mention names anymore. There is a lot of content that gives it. Not only him. But that's where I went," said Uus.

Not stopping there, Uus and Deddy continued their innuendos regarding Baim's content with elementary school students which went viral on social media because of the mayor. Both of them made jokes about Baim's content.

"Do you want to get money?" asked Uus to Fajar Nugra who was also present at the event.

"Would you like to? Kutuan first," continued Deddy Corbuzier, who was greeted with laughter.

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