JAKARTA - Sad news came from Dewi Lestari's family. The husband, Reza Gunawan, reportedly died today, Tuesday, September 6, 2022.

This sad news was first shared by presenter Alvin Adam. Through his social media, he uploaded a message of condolences.

"Innalillahi wa'innailahi rojiun, Mas Reza Gunawan has passed away, Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 11:53 WIB," wrote Alvin Adam on the same day.

Alvin explained that currently the body is being buried at the Delatinos Funeral Home, BSD City, South Tangerang. It is not yet known where Reza Gunawan will be buried.

"Hopefully late. Mas Reza got the best place by His side. Amen yaa Robbal'alamin. My deepest condolences, dee @deelestari & family. Rest in peace, mas," he added.

Previously, Dewi Lestari uploaded her husband's latest condition. He only underwent treatment after suffering a stroke.

"One month one week. Reza has been hospitalized due to a bleeding stroke and will now continue her recovery at home," wrote Dee Lestari in early September.

"This will be a long recovery journey. For an uncertain time, Reza has not been able to practice, open classes, or fulfill teaching invitations," he continued.

Dewi Lestari also apologized because Reza Gunawan could not be visited while in the hospital. He thanked the relatives and friends who helped his family.

"Previously I deliberately limited this news so that Reza's privacy while in the hospital is maintained and our family can be calmer in managing the various things we have to face. Please understand," he continued. "To friends, neighbors, colleagues, and relatives who have been kind enough to help and support Reza while being treated, I thank you profusely. You know who you are. May blessings and virtues come back to you all," concluded Dewi Lestari.

Reza Gunawan is a holistic expert who is Dewi Lestari's husband. He is also the older brother of artist Shareena Gunawan.

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