JAKARTA - So far, Red Devils have been known for daring to uncover shaman tricks. His name skyrocketed when reported by the Dukun Association. Apart from shamans, this man whose real name is Marcel Wanival was also asked by netizens to uncover the tricks of alleged fraudulent investments Ustaz Yusuf Mansur.

The Red racer, who was then asked to do this, refused. He said dismantling investment cases was not the expertise of his knowledge.

He emphasized that the knowledge he had been investigating was the secret of durability. But not to practice it, but to reveal the tricks that unscrupulous shamans do.

"I was entrusted by Allah (investigating the secret knowledge of bullying) and it was made very easier to uncover the secret of a shaman," explained the 26-year-old man.

Marcel Ranjival believes it's just a magic trick. Unlike magic and supernatural things such as heaven, hell, angels and genies.

"Hiny believes, what I don't believe is bullying. Remember, religion forbids bullying," explained the Red Devil, quoted from the ERA.

As is known, recently a number of people asked Ustaz Yusuf Mansur for investment money. More than that, they came to the house where he was famous for his alms lecture.

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