JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo's daughter, Kahiyang Ayu gave birth to her third child today, Thursday, August 25 at Pondok Indah Hospital. Male, his child was born by caesarean section under the care of a team of doctors.

The happy news was warmly welcomed by the family of President Joko Widodo. Erina Gudono is no exception, who is Kaesang Pangarep's new lover.

Through her social media, Erina uploaded gifts sent to Kahiyang Ayu and Bobby Nasution.

A large white flower bouquet was delivered to the couple today. However, the highlight was the writing on the card on the flower bouquet.

"For Mba Ayang From Kaesang & Erina," reads the flower bouquet.

The portrait of the flower bouquet was also shared by Erina Gudono through social media. The public suspected that Erina had been accepted by President Joko Widodo's family.

Previously, Erina Gudono's relationship with Kaesang Pangarep broke out when the two watched a football match at the Manahan Stadium, Solo, last June. In addition, they also seemed to attend a wedding together.

Recently, the two were seen attending the 77th Indonesian Independence Day event at the Merdeka Palace together.

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