YOGYAKARTA – Couples who are in a long distance relationship, of course, have considered many things carefully. Including the risks and problems that will and may be experienced in the future. It would be wise if every couple with a long distance relationship could map out the things that could trigger a fragile relationship. When they find the map, the couple can avoid the following problems.
1. Time and moneyLong distance travel is not easy. Although the flowers of love and unanimous intention to visit each other, but this needs to be realized by both parties in pairs. If in the end the distance is a burden plus the cost of accommodation is not cheap, try to discuss wisely with your partner. Make careful planning to visit each other so that you are not vulnerable to problems related to time and money.
2. MobilityAnother risk of traveling the distance is mobility. Moving from one city to another, of course, is not easy. This also needs to be taken into account by LDR couples so that they are not vulnerable to problems. In fact, the pressure will be even greater if each other does not support or give each other full attention.

LDR couples in the age of technology, it may be easier to communicate or give each other news. To live a long distance relationship, couples need to make a serious commitment. According to Stephen J. Betchen, a licensed marriage and family therapist, seeing each other infrequently can create a longing that may obscure reality. Launching Psychology Today, Thursday, August 11, LDR couples need to interact in all contexts, including with their partner's family.
4. IntimacyOne woman, Betchen's client, says she prefers long distance relationships. The reason is that he has many tasks to do so it doesn't make sense to meet him every day. So he considers LDR is the only way to establish a warm love relationship. But some clients say they have intimacy issues that make their relationship vulnerable. Betchen's advice, build closer connections and stay alert for unexpected problems.
5. Risk of failureLong distance relationships leave gaps between related people. The bigger the gap and the longer it lasts, the greater the risk that the relationship will eventually fail. According to Betchen, distance can breed loneliness, lack of intimate touch, lack of emotional and physical support.
"It's not that long distance relationships can't work. Some people are tenacious, persistent, independent, very loyal, and in love. This couple has a better chance of survival,” said Betchen encouraging the couple who are in a long distance relationship. In addition, distance has been proven to be a factor in all types of relationships, meaning it should not be underestimated.
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