JAKARTA - At the end of July, Didi Mahardika and Cita Citata announced their close relationship. Both of them are compactly uploading photos of the two of them with different poses. Didi Mahardika uploaded a photo with Cita Citata which he carried on his back.

Now, Cita Citata's relationship with Didi Mahardika seems to have entered a more serious stage. Cita is suspected to have been proposed by Didi, judging by his Instagram Stories upload, on Monday, August 8.

Cita appears wearing a black headscarf. He put his hand next to his face, which clearly showed a ring on his ring finger.

"@mahardika_soekarno," wrote Cita Citata.

A happy smile appeared on Cita Citata's face in the photo. Not to forget, he also marked Didi Mahardika's Instagram account and pinned it near the ring he was wearing.

Meanwhile, Didi Mahardika himself re-uploaded the Cita Citata post that marked it. He did not provide any information, other than embedding a heart-shaped emoji.

The relationship between Cita Citata and Didi Mahardika was suspected to be a form of infidelity. Because Didi already has a wife named Rosmanizar. Confirmation was finally obtained when Rosmanizar said his household with Didi Mahardika was over.

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