YOGYAKARTA – The hobby of climbing mountains requires physical and mental preparation. In addition, the steep and climbing paths need to be traversed with great care. In Indonesia, a number of mountains with an altitude above 3000 meters above sea level (masl) are destinations by many climbers. However, generally the passing of the seasons and the skill of climbers are important calculations in preparation before climbing. Which are the highest mountains in Indonesia? Here's the list.
1. Cartensz Pyramid or Puncak Jayawijaya in PapuaPuncak Jayawijaya is the highest mountain in Indonesia with an altitude of 4,884 meters above sea level. Located in the province of Papua which in 1963 had changed its name to Puncak Soekarno and finally named Puncak Jaya. Approaching the summit, the Cartensz glacier stretches out. Sadly today the glaciers are narrowing due to the effects of global warming.
Because of the unusual tracking path, climbers must have qualified abilities. In addition, they are also required to carry tracking equipment in accordance with safety operational procedures.
2. Peak of Mandala in PapuaOn an island shaped like the head of a paradise, Indonesia's second highest mountain is also located there. With an altitude of 4,760 meters above sea level, its peak is still covered by glaciers. Peak Mandala, still in the same line with Puncak Jayawijaya. In colonial times, this peak was called Juliana Top or Juliana Peak, which is the name of the queen of the Dutch kingdom.

Still in Papua, Trikora Peak is the third highest mountain in Indonesia after Cartensz Pyramid and Mandala Peak. Launching Gramedia Blog, Tuesday, August 2, Trikora Peak is located at an altitude of 4,750 meters above sea level, which is included in the Lorents National Park area which can be reached via the Wamena route. Compared to the Cartensz Pyramid, the hiking trail to Trikora Peak is more difficult. At an altitude of 3,800 meters above sea level, there is Rock Camp which is a swamp formed from crushing rocks. The path at the top is very dangerous because on one track you have to walk sideways because of the steep cliffs.
4. Mount Kerinci on the border of Jambi and West Sumatra ProvincesThe next highest mountain in Indonesia, Mount Kerinci with an altitude of 3,805 meters above sea level, is located on the border of Jambi and West Sumatra and is inhabited by the Minangkabau and Kerinci ethnic communities. The Mount Kerinci area is designated as the Mount Kerinci National Park which is the habitat of the Sumatran tiger and Sumatran rhino.
In addition to beautiful natural scenery, a wealth of flora and fauna can be seen around the hiking trail. The hiking trail starts from the Jungle gate which is marked by the boundary between fields and heterogeneous forests.

In the area of Mount Rinjani National Park, this 3,726 m above sea level mountain stands tall and strong. Uniquely, the topography of the caldera covering an area of 3,500 x 4,800 meters seems like a sapling. The beautiful scenery and activities of local residents will be caught by the eye when you reach the climbing base camp. Not to mention there is a waterfall on one of the slopes which is quite steep. If you plan to climb to Mount Rinjani, you must be well prepared.
6. Mount Semeru in East Java ProvinceMount Semeru is one of the highest mountains in Indonesia, located on the island of Java. The peak is known as Mahameru Peak with an altitude of 3,676 meters above sea level. A number of camp spots sound familiar, such as Ranu Pane, Ranu Kumbolo, Ranu Regulo, and Ranu Darungan. But for the camp, must take into account the direction of the wind and time for safety.
Mount Semeru stands in two administrative areas of Malang Regency and Lumajang Regency, East Java. The crater of the peak of Mount Semeru, known as Jonggring Saloko whose gas is poisonous. So, it is mandatory to take into account the time of climbing to the top for safety and security.
7. Mount Rantemario in South SulawesiMount Rantemario in South Sulawesi, is one of the highest mountains in Indonesia with an altitude of 3,478 meters above sea level. Located in the Latimojong mountains, south of the Tana Toraja area. The peak is flat, so it is named rante mario which means calm and flat. The peak is located at post 7, which is the most beautiful spot enjoyed when the sun rises.
Those are the seven highest mountains in Indonesia, if climbing requires physical fitness, logistics is sufficient according to the itinerary, and following the rules in each region. In addition, climbing can only leave footprints, don't leave trash.
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