YOGYAKARTA - Even though anabuls, cats, don't like water, they need to drink so that the kidneys can work properly. Without drinking, cats can not remove toxins from the blood. As a result, it can dehydrate the cat and cause death due to kidney failure.

According to The Spruce Pets, cats with acute or chronic kidney failure often need extra fluids given intravenously or through a subcutaneous infusion. Therapy can also be done at home, by giving them extra drinks.

But excessive water intake is also dangerous for cats. They could have hyperthyroidism or feline diabetes. Well, cats will instinctively drink more during hot weather. But for cat lovers, need to know whether his drinking habits make him healthier or vice versa.

If your cat suddenly consumes large amounts of water, you should see a veterinarian. Besides also recognizing their normal drinking habits.

berapa banyak kucing dewasa harus minum dalam sehari
Illustration of how much an adult cat should drink in a day (iStockphoto)

A cat's body tissue is made up of about 67 percent water. Dry cat food contains between 6 and 10 percent water. While canned food or wet food, has at least 75 percent water content. Therefore, wet food is better with consideration of sufficient moisture content. When providing dry food, cat owners need to make sure the anabul is drinking enough.

Doctor Jennifer Coates, created a formula that shows that an adult cat weighing 5 kilograms needs about a cup a day when he eats dry food. A cat of the same weight, when eating wet food requires a third of a cup per day. For kittens, the need to drink water according to their weight. For a weight of 1.4 kilograms, you need to drink as much as 70 milliliters. This need can be multiplied by two based on body weight. For example, if they weigh 2.7 kilograms, they need to drink at least 135 milliliters.

Cats drink raw or boiled water, depending on the cleanliness and freshness of the water. Fresh and clean raw water is allowed. But to avoid the risk of worm eggs or bacteria that are invisible to the naked eye, you can provide sterile or boiled water.

To check the adequacy of drinking in cats, it can be done at home. If they are dehydrated, test by pinching loose skin at the nape of the neck. If the former is pinched immediately returns to its original texture, then it is a sign that the cat is quite hydrated. On the other hand, if the pinch does not return immediately, it is suspected as a sign of dehydration.

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