YOGYAKARTA – Holding back negative emotions often results in anxiety, addiction, and even depression. This is often experienced by people who are too kind. Physically, those who are sensitive to the feelings of others, can even kill genuine desires and do not set firm boundaries.

According to clinical psychologist with 45 years of experience, Robert Taibbi, LSCW., good people always volunteer for tasks that nobody wants them to do. For example, he is always ready to help even though he has many things to do. They, people who are too kind, sensitive to the feelings of others, easy to get along with, and rarely argue.

Implicitly, it looks like a lot of people like it. But mentally, people who are too good are not good for themselves. Taibbi explains what people are prone to experience too well, as reported by Psychology Today, as follows.

1. Resist the negative emotions that naturally arise

Naturally, humans have various emotions, in addition to positive emotions as well as negative emotions. People who are too kind, tend to internalize or hold back negative emotions. The result of often not channeling negative emotions properly, is depression, anxiety, to addiction.

sisi rentan yang dialami orang terlalu baik
Illustration of the vulnerable side that people experience too well (iStockphoto)
2. Act out of the ordinary

When overwhelmed with anxiety and depression, especially from holding back negative feelings, a person runs the risk of acting out of the ordinary. Taibbi gave examples of out-of-the-ordinary behavior, including one night stand on a business trip, going to a party, uncontrollable anger, and getting angry at people wrongly. This is done to release the pressure, but not in the right way.

3. Always self-critical

A person, sometimes becomes good because he tends to blame himself rather than others. This causes the other person to do something they should not do. This is a 'sad' way of life according to Taibbi. Because if there's one thing that other people shouldn't do, such as verbal or even physical abuse, it needs to be addressed, not accepted because you think you're wrong.

4. Hate that accumulates

Accumulating hatred can often lead to manipulation. But sometimes it's just waiting for the right time to communicate it. But not infrequently just expect others to know without expressing what is needed.

5. Often feel bored

If you do hard things all the time, hold your feelings in and always be a good person, you can be prone to collapse. It may be fatigue, physical pain, or severe depression. Fatigue may be a sign that you need to rest until you recover. Even with other signs, which in fact need to be evaluated related to emotional needs.

So does that mean you don't have to be nice? Of course not, said Taibbi. But it is necessary to distinguish what is valuable and what worries you. When your kindness triggers anxiety, then reevaluate what you shouldn't do. As much as possible, you do good not because you 'have to' but consider your own needs.

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