JAKARTA - Ivan Gunawan was criticized for commenting on Keisya Levronka's appearance at an event. Despite apologizing, the presenter continued to receive bad comments.

Previously, Keisya Levronka was a guest star and a duet with one of the contestants to sing Tak Want to End.

One of the judges advised Keisya to lipsync if her condition was not fit. The original voice was left to be replaced by the contestant who was in a duet with Keisya.

Keisya also answered the suggestion with a laugh. While several other judges considered Keisya Levronka's voice to be good and did not need to be replaced with lipsync.

"Good morning Dek @keisyalevronka brother, I'm sorry if my words hurt you. Really sorry.. keep the spirit Dek hugs.. I hope we won't be provoked," wrote Ivan Gunawan on Tuesday, July 26.

But on one occasion, Ivan Gunawan was confused because Keisya Levronka's tweet did not mention himself. However, he chose to apologize for not liking to fight.

Keisya herself had time to continue her story through social media. He did not mention a single citizen's name, suspecting this was related to Ivan Gunawan.

“Public figures have to be mentally prepared, ready to be criticized' HEHE hello? I've been criticized for not counting my fingers, I'm not hurt and I'm not crying, but I accept it gracefully and broadly, focus on learning and introspection. but this one hits me diff okay," added Keisya Levronka on the same day.

Netizens were even more annoyed when Ivan Gunawan replied to some comments as if the problem was not over.

"It's really outrageous Ivan Gunawan + people who are not professional blass. Senior artist but bad attitude," wrote a citizen who mentioned Ivan Gunawan's account. "I suggest trying to lower the basic tone," replied Ivan Gunawan.

Now, Ivan Gunawan has deleted the post apologizing to Keisya and has limited his comment column. He also did not interact with netizens who commented on his problems with Keisya Levronka.

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