JAKARTA - What is your child's favorite food? Is one of them a fish? If so, congratulations! Animal protein is one that should not be left behind in the children's menu in balanced nutrition guidelines.

Well, fish is one source of animal protein that has super benefits. Launching the Parenting page, Wednesday, July 20, nutritionist Joe Leech, MS, RD, from Australia said that fish is one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

If you already know the benefits of this food, there must always be a reason why your child should eat fish. Fish have many benefits for the growth and intelligence of children.

Fish is good for brain health

According to Indian Express, omega 3 fatty acids are essential for growth and development. Fish also increases gray matter in the brain and reduces age-related damage. Gray matter is the main functional network in your brain that contains neurons that process information and store memories.

Studies have shown that people who eat fish every week. Have more gray matter in the brain centers that regulate emotions and memory. Studies have also found that people who eat fish are less likely to experience depression. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are beneficial against depression. Fatty acids help protect the heart by lowering the risk of high blood pressure.

Reducing the risk of type 1 diabetes in children

Fish and its products are the best food sources of vitamin D. People who cannot eat fish can take cod liver oil capsules or 1 tablespoon cod liver oil daily. Consumption of fish or fish oil is associated with a reduced risk of type 1 diabetes in children as well as autoimmune diabetes in adults.

Salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, and rainbow trout all contain omega 3 fats that help strengthen skin cell membranes and may also reduce the risk of some types of skin cancer.

Maintain eye health

Consumption of fatty fish rich in omega 3 is associated with decreased neovascularization. Fish can protect themselves from macular degeneration which is the main cause of visual impairment and blindness that attacks adults and the elderly.

Improve Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is very important for children. The reason is, while sleeping soundly, children will benefit from growth hormone at night. Regular consumption of fish can help children get quality sleep.

There are several types of fish that have high mercury content, such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tile fish. It should be avoided in children under 2-3 years of age, as regular consumption can cause certain neurological problems.

Fish should be introduced after one year of age. Fish is an essential nutrient which is basically required for healthy growth and development of the body. Children aged 2-3 years should consume 40-50 grams of fish regularly. Adults should eat at least 80 grams (maximum 100 grams) of fish.

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