JAKARTA - Although it is not easy to admit a mistake, but the best thing you can do after making a mistake is to offer a sincere apology. You may find it difficult to apologize to your partner. There is a sense of pride and reluctance. However, an effective apology can help correct the wrong you've done and put your relationship back on track.

If you feel awkward and want to apologize, VOI launches Our Everyday Life, Wednesday, July 20, sharing tips on how to apologize to your partner after a fight.

Make a statement of regret

Make a statement of regret specifically stating that you are truly sorry that you messed up something. It is important for you to give reasons for regret so that your partner knows that you are sorry and admits your mistake. Failing to explain regret can make an apology seem insincere.

Ask your partner to forgive

After conveying your regrets, you can ask your partner to forgive you. This is a way of admitting that you have wronged him. And that you value his love and affection and want to put the relationship back on track.

Try to understand how your partner feels

Try to understand how your actions upset your partner. It can be difficult to imagine the other person's feelings, but with empathy you can offer a more sincere and heartfelt apology. The most successful apologies are tailored to the recipient and take into account the recipient's feelings and personality.

Make up for mistakes

Offer to make amends by doing something to improve the situation. Although previous actions are irrevocable, you can correct the consequences of your actions. The best apologies include a form of reconciliation that is specifically related to the wrong you did. For example, if you break a partner's item, offer to repair it.

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