JAKARTA - Sule was absent from the first divorce trial with Nathalie Holscher which was held at the Cikarang Religious Court today, Wednesday, July 20. The news was confirmed by Bahuni as Sule's lawyer.

"Most likely (Sule) is not present because it determines the mediator judge. The mediator judge must first be appointed,” said Bahuni on the same day.

Bahuni didn't want to talk much about the divorce process, but she admitted that Sule had hoped that she had conveyed it to him.

"Kang Sule wants to live in peace, have a family, sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah," he answered briefly quoted from the Sambel Lalap YouTube channel.

Bahuni also said that his party was trying to find a middle ground in the divorce process. They will also comply with applicable laws.

"Yes, we are looking for the best from both sides. Yes, I think the effort will still be made and then what will the result be," explained Bahuni.

Unlike Sule, Nathalie Holscher was present at the divorce trial. When it came to court, Nathalie asked for prayers and said she was ready to mediate.

"We are just about to enter. We wish you the best, wait for the sequel. Today I am very grateful for the direct mediation. Ready for mediation," said Nathalie.

So far, the agenda of the trial is the examination of files. Lawyers confirmed that Nathalie Holscher filed for divorce by asking for a child's support of Rp. 25 million. The continuation of their divorce process will be seen after the results of the mediation run.

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