YOGYAKARTA – Moringa plant or with the scientific name Moringa oleifera, has been praised for its properties. But what about the medical evidence and clinical trials about the leaves of this plant that is commonly consumed as a daily green vegetable or capsule powder? In one study, Moringa leaves helped nourish the liver. Well, based on scientific studies, here are the facts why Moringa leaves are good for the liver and overall health.
Rich in antioxidantsMoringa leaves contain several types of nutrients and vitamins, including protein (2 grams), vitamin B6 (19 percent of the RDA), vitamin C (12 percent of the RDA), iron (11 percent of the RDA), riboflavin or vitamin B2 ( 11 percent of the RDA), vitamin A (9 percent of the RDA), and magnesium (8 percent of the RDA).
Oxidative stress is caused by high levels of free radicals and is associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. This can be prevented by consuming antioxidant-rich foods, such as Moringa leaves. In a 2015 study published in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics titled Antioxidants In Liver Health, antioxidants are beneficial for maintaining liver health.

The liver is an organ that serves as the main detoxification of the body and maintains body temperature. Antioxidants, are important in optimizing the role of the liver, which is to maintain an oxidative/antioxidant balance. Because if it is disturbed or experiencing oxidative stress, it can cause liver disease and damage to the liver.
Anti-inflammatory propertiesIn an older study, conducted in 2002 published in the National Library of Medicine, proving that Moringa leaf is an anti-inflammatory agent. Inflammation is essentially the root of chronic disease, including liver disease.
The liver is responsible for glucose metabolism and bile production. Both are in charge of keeping the digestive system running well. When you consume a lot of sugar and unhealthy fats every day, it can interfere with liver health. Moringa leaves, can help reduce inflammation in the liver or other organs so that they are more efficient in carrying out their duties.
Potential to balance liver enzymesMoringa leaves help restore liver enzymes, this was proven in a 2010 study by Alaaedin Al Hamza from the Department of Biology, UAE University. The liver is responsible for blood detoxification, bile production, fat metabolism, and overall nutrient processing. Everything will only run optimally when balanced liver enzymes are produced.
Those are the three studies related to Moringa leaves and their benefits in maintaining liver health. As an anticipatory measure for liver disease, you can consume it in the form of processed leaves or leaf powder in capsules. However, if you have certain conditions or other factors that affect your health, consult an internist or other medical professional.
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