If You Are Often Anxious And Stressed, Calm Yourself With These 5 Ways
Illustration calm yourself looking for anxiety and stress (iStockphoto)

YOGYAKARTA – Assumptions and negative thoughts often cause anxiety. Not to mention the challenges of life that are not always smooth can be stressful. Both, anxiety and stress, if not controlled can reduce the level of well-being. To get peace in the midst of the process of life, you can do the following daily activities.

1. Harmonize breath and body

Every morning, the body often works mechanically. Get out of bed, prepare a lot of things, and do activities, for example, work. It is often missed that the breath and the body need to be in sync. Seth J. Gillihan, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist reported by Psychology Today, Friday, July 15, suggests trying to regulate your breathing rhythm before you get out of bed. Take three slow breaths, and feel how the air moves your body. It aims to unite the mind and body to stay in tune and 'grounded'.

2. Evaluate your thoughts

Thinking what other people think of you can trigger anxiety and stress. For example, when your partner is quieter than usual, then knocks on assumptions and makes you wonder if I was wrong or the love is starting to fade. For more peace of mind, create a daily routine to notice when you notice where your mind is moving.

tenangkan diri dari cemas dan stres
Illustration to calm yourself from anxiety and stress (iStockphoto)
3. Go outside at lunch

Eating out, taking a short walk with friends or coworkers, sitting looking at the clouds, or any activity can be done outdoors. Leave your phone and try to look around you. Fresh air and a change of scenery can lift your spirits and reduce stress more effectively than you might think.

4. Enjoy the freshness

Gillihan underlined about water. The activity of feeling the first splash in the shower, or while washing the dishes, even washing your hands, helps you practice focusing on the present time. With the touch sensation of room temperature water or even warm temperatures, it helps you bring about greater awareness.

5. Celebrate your daily achievements

Even though it's far from the achievements that must be obtained in the next three months, you still need to celebrate the small movements that you do every day. This is an achievement, because you deserve to feel victory and joy from the small steps taken every day.

Gillihan's recommendation again, before you go to bed at night, write down three specific things that went well. For example, having 'make a delicious carrot treat' is more meaningful than 'a nice dinner'. Paying special attention to your role can strengthen your self-efficacy and keep you away from anxiety and stress.

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