JAKARTA - The new school year has arrived. Some schools have also started implementing Face-to-face Learning (PTM). If your child is used to being connected via a laptop screen, computer, tablet, or cellphone. This time the teacher and students will feel the sensation of meeting directly in the classroom. Of course, this is a fun thing after a long period of activity restrictions.

Unfortunately, not all children enjoy going back to school. Not even a few who feel scared by this activity. There are many reasons for not going to school. In fact, teaching and learning activities are much better done with PTM.

Launching the Parenting page, Monday, July 11, there are at least four common reasons why your little one is reluctant to go to school. What are those reasons? Read more below.

Separation Anxiety

Generally, this problem occurs in young children, for example, toddlers who have just entered preschool or kindergarten. This disorder is excessive anxiety about separation from parents when they have to go to school. This anxiety includes an overwhelming fear of danger and includes the death that can befall parents when separated.

Social Anxiety

Children with social anxiety tend to have concerns about the views and judgments of their schoolmates or teachers. Some of the fears they have include appearing in public, being judged, and interacting with other children.

Anxiety with New Situation

Children with generalized anxiety complaints have concerns about a number of events or activities such as what if he is thirsty, what if he has the urge to urinate, what if he accidentally falls, and so on. Ultimately, this anxiety causes social pressure, academic performance, and more.

Ever Experienced Bullying

Bullying can cause a child to be traumatized by meeting new children. He was worried that he would have the same experience. For this reason, in order to avoid a second unpleasant incident, the little one chose to stay away from school.

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