YOGYAKARTA – Sleeping with a favorite pet, cat or dog, is still a matter of debate by many parties. Some dog trainers and veterinarians prohibit activities that are warm and comfortable sleeping with your pet.
According to a survey in the United States, as many as 43 percent of dog owners and 49 cat owners sleep with their pets. An internal medicine specialist at NYU Langone Health in New York City, Mark Feirstein, MD. advise not sleeping with cats in the same bed. The reason is, cats are active at night which can even accidentally wake their owners. But it's okay to sleep with dogs because they get benefits, namely warmth.
In addition, sleeping with pets can also overcome loneliness. According to Feirstein, people who sleep with pets report increased feelings of security, companionship, and relaxation. If you sleep warm with your pet dog, your heart rate will be more stable and sleep will be more comfortable.
Feirstein added, for people who experience PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), according to The Sleep Foundation, can experience nightmares. By sleeping with their beloved anabul, they feel comfortable and are awakened when they have bad dreams.

In some cases, sleeping with a furry pet can increase the risk of developing allergies or exposure to diseases through pets. Sometimes it also makes the owner wake up when the dog behaves aggressively so that it interferes with the quality of sleep.
But actually need to be identified based on each condition. If you have allergies and are sensitive to animal dander, you need to avoid sleeping with pets. But if you are in good health, it is also ensured that pets are always healthy so they can sleep in the same bed.
Leslie Sinn, DVM., a veterinary behavior specialist in Virginia, says if you're a new pet owner, it's advisable to make a bed for animals outside your bedroom. This is to maintain your health and safety. If you choose to leave your dog or cat in your bed, the experts offer a few tips.
First, set boundaries and make sure the dog knows where he is allowed and where he is not. Grant access with a call or alert from you. Second, keep your pet clean to minimize allergens that stick to their fur.
Third, train pets to maintain order, especially in dogs. And set the area he can access and not. These three tips need to be done regularly so that the cat or dog gets used to the set rules.
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