JAKARTA - Tamara Blesynzki reported the alleged embezzlement of family assets by three people. The artist has not mentioned who is suspected of being involved in the case, but he is fighting for his family's inheritance in Cianjur and Cipanas.

Reportedly, Tamara still wants to settle it amicably. That's why he didn't reveal who the person suspected of embezzling family assets was.

Among the uploaded news, Tamara Blesynzki uploaded several photos by writing a message for her father. He hopes that his struggles will bear fruit.

"I can't tell you about what happened to me after you were gone. But I can still fight for you..because I believe…we will forever CLOSE in prayer,” wrote Tamara Blesynzki on Sunday, June 19. The next photo shows Tamara with her father which was photographed in a newspaper. Dear. Justice will exist and Real," he wrote again.

Moments later, Tamara Blesynzki uploaded a photo with the two lawyers working on the embezzlement case of her inherited assets. He appreciated the work of the lawyers who helped him. “Thank you to the two great people who stood beside me. They fought day and night…so that justice could be served. Thank you very much,” he added today, Monday, June 20.

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