YOGYAKARTA – To be more agile in your activities, instead of drinking energy-boosting drinks, natural drinks are safer for health. One of the drinks that can increase energy and come from natural ingredients is green tea. According to studies, tea derived from the leaves of the Camelia sinensis plant has many health benefits.

Green tea contains healthy bioactive compounds. Polyphenols, these compounds can help fight cancer and reduce inflammation. Not to mention the catechin compounds which are natural antioxidants prevent cell damage.

You can choose quality green tea leaves to brew every day. Not only helps improve brain function, a little caffeine in tea can also be a stimulant to increase dopamine and norepinephrine, also known as mood hormones.

manfaat minum teh hijau setiap hari
Illustration of the benefits of drinking green tea every day (Unsplash/Jason Leung)

A number of studies reported by Healthline, Friday, June 10, reported that many people have more stable energy and are much more productive when they drink green tea. According to scientific research, green tea can increase fat burning and increase metabolic rate.

Research involving 10 healthy men, asked participants to drink green tea extract. The results of the study the number of calories burned increased by 4 percent. However, several other studies have different effects. That means that the effectiveness of burning calories depends on the individual and the details of the research.

Green tea also lowers the chances of brain aging. If you forget easily or have difficulty remembering, then there's nothing wrong with brewing green tea during your break. Another positive benefit of drinking green tea is that it reduces bad breath. This is due to the catechin compounds in green tea which can inhibit the growth of oral bacteria.

Drinks with a bitter taste that is slightly bitter but feels calming are also safe to drink by diabetics. However, it should be noted that it is not recommended to add a lot of sugar to the mixture. You can choose honey or natural sugar which is safer.

For those of you who are on a diet, brewing green tea is also an alternative to increase short-term metabolism. A study involving 240 people proved that the group who drank green tea daily experienced a significant reduction in body fat percentage, body weight, waist circumference, and belly fat.

When you drink green tea concoction in a diet program, include it or count it as the main menu. Especially if you add cream or milk in it.

For those of you who want to be agile in their activities, brew green tea before starting the activity. You can also drink it at the end of the day to feel more relaxed.

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