JAKARTA - Britain's youngest EuroMillions transnational lottery winner, Jane Park, shared a photo of a controversial poster labeling COVID-19 as a hoax.
Jane, 24, shared the message on her Instagram story in which she showed it driving through a car wash near her Edinburgh home.
The message was tacked on to a sign and read "COVID IS A HOAX" before urging people reading the message to save Scotland and end the current lockdown restrictions.
The controversial message also calls for people to stop wearing masks and denounce any possibility of getting a vaccine.
Jane, who is regularly outspoken about topics she finds important, posts snapshots to her Instagram story, where she has more than 220,000 followers.
In capital letters, read:
"COVID is a hoax
"Turn off your TV
"Don't wear a mask
"There is no mandatory vaccine
"No Lockdown
"Save Scotland."

Jane is known to be outspoken about the COVID-19 restrictions imposed in Scotland, including the imposition of a 16-day curfew by Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
In early October, Jane, who lives in Edinburgh, posted a picture of an article describing Sturgeon's new restrictions alongside the word "cheers".
He also posted a photo of his living room alongside the message: "No alcohol in pubs or bars?
"Curfew at 6pm, sorry what?
"Am I missing something."
The new rules were started on Saturday, October 10 to break the chain of spreading the virus in Scotland.
By law, all pubs, restaurants and hospitality establishments are only allowed to open between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. in an effort to stop the spread of the virus.
This curfew will last until October 26th.
Before these regulations took effect, Jane shared photos of her last party with friends at the Tigerlily in Edinburgh, an upscale hotel with a bar and restaurant.
Jane pocketed the £ 1 million jackpot in 2013 at the age of 17 and has since turned to adult site OnlyFans to fund her lavish lifestyle.
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