JAKARTA - Singer Demi Lovato has released her new song, Commander In Chief, and was featured for the first time at the Billboard Music Awards on Wednesday, October 14.

The song Lovato wrote to criticize Donald Trump, the current President of the United States. One of the lyrics reads, “We're in a state of crisis, people are dying. While you line your pockets deep Commander in Chief. "

The release of Commander In Chief elicited mixed responses from fans. Not a few of them were afraid that this political statement could destroy Demi Lovato's career.

Many Trump fans began to enliven Lovato's uploads by writing Trump 2020 and other comments. “I hope you realize this (song) makes people who don't have political views with you feel like they are listening to your songs. This song seems exaggerated, especially since your family is a majority Republican, ”said one fan.

Demi Lovato also answered all criticisms regarding Commander In Chief . Reporting from NME today, 16 October, “I don't care if this song ruins my career. It's not about that. My career is not only that. "

“I create a work of art for what I believe. And I put it even in the middle of the risk of losing fans, "said Demi Lovato.

In addition, Lovato also includes a I Will Vote link so that fans are registered as voters in the presidential election next November.

The song Commander In Chief was made by Lovato with FINNEAS. Even though the process was short, Lovato said he was satisfied with the final song.

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