JAKARTA - Erick Thohir plans to come to the original location of the KKN film story in Penari Village. The name of the actual location of the KKN in Penari Village was known in the video of Erick Thohir's direct interview with Sudirman which was uploaded on Instagram @erickthohir on Tuesday, May 17, 2022.

"Explore the truth behind the KKN story in the Dancer Village directly from Rowo Bayu's Manager and Guard, Mr. Sudirman. Haven't had the chance to watch it yet, but just listening to the story gives me goosebumps. You've watched it," said Erick Thohir.

Is that location true? Director Awi Suryadi gave an answer when he was a resource person in the FFWI XII Webinar with the theme of Changes in Indonesian Film Trends after the Covid-19 Melted, Friday, May 20.

"I, as a film maker, was told by Simple Man the location. I checked via google map, I went to the place. What is clear is that the name is not the same as the one mentioned by the Minister," he said.

Awi did not get permission to shoot at the original location. Because of that, the KKN shooting in the Dancer Village was carried out in Jogja. "In Jogja we find several houses in the forest that are like stories. Wooden houses, minimal electric lighting, close to the story. I myself, or maybe in Indonesian films, I don't think anyone is looking for the location," said the director of the Badoet film. . A similar location, he continued, was needed because Awi didn't want to use CGI technology from the start to beautify the KKN film in Penari Village. All visuals that are presented are truly original settings. "All are real sets, yes. So some people's houses are already there and match the story we use. For houses that don't exist yet, such as the sinden house, we build that, we also build a bathing pool," he said.

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