JAKARTA - The celebrity couple Anisa Rahma, a member of the first generation Cherrybelle group, and singer Anandito Dwis announced that they were pregnant with twins after undergoing IVF or IVF. The two married on September 16, 2018 and finally had their first child after four years of marriage.

Anisa and Dito decided to do a pregnancy program since nine months of marriage. Various ways they do in trying to get pregnant.

"We've done two IVF, we've done four embryo transfers. We have done various things, from traditional, acupuncture, herbal until it was discovered that the HSG check in 9 months of marriage had been ordered directly for IVF," said Anisa and Dito, quoted from the press release of Bocah Indonesia, Monday, May 18.

The struggle that was not easy made them get discouraged, but finally got up again. The distance between the first and second IVF programs is time consuming. They deliberately rest because they are tired of failure. After a year of strengthening their hearts, they are back trying to have children.

According to Dito, husband and wife must fight together, support and encourage each other.

"Not only from the language but also from our actions as husbands, we also accompany our wives together to come to the consul hospital, take control, buy medicine. So it's not just one. Because it's true that having a baby is a shared desire," said Dito.

Anisa added, if there are bad feelings or feelings of sadness, they always express it to their respective partners so that they can encourage each other and get rid of stress.

Both advised prospective parents who want their children not to be discouraged because everyone has their own time.

"You must sincerely accept God's provisions but don't forget to accompany with endeavor and always pray. Hopefully your wait will also end happily," said Anisa and Dito.

Anisa and Dito underwent a pregnancy program at the Indonesian Child Fertility Center (PFBI). It was explained that the conditions experienced by Anisa during the examination were low quality embryos, both non-patent fallopian tubes and uterine polyps.

"The process of improving the quality of eggs and sperm takes at least 3 months before we start the IVF stimulation process. We try to transfer embryos using a natural cycle and thankfully, with this process, it will result in pregnancy," explained dr. Beeleonie, BMedSc, Sp.OG - KFER who accompanied Anisa.

On the other hand, Anandito was accompanied by dr. Androniko Setiawan, Sp.And who explained that the results of the sperm examination had quite extreme variations and there was a lack of quality at the beginning of the examination.

dr. Androniko said, for two to three months Anandito underwent steps such as improving his lifestyle by regulating exercise with good duration and intensity as well as adequate intake.

"Along with the history of IVF and 2 unsuccessful embryo transfers, it becomes a further challenge for the embryology team in further selection of embryos to be transferred," added Dr. Androniko.

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