JAKARTA - Lawyers for actor Johnny Depp began questioning Amber Heard during the trial, Monday, May 16 local time. Depp's lawyer challenged the Aquaman star's claims that he suffered physical abuse before and during the brief marriage.

Depp's lawyer showed photos of Heard on the red carpet and The James Corden Show shortly after he said Depp had hit him with a hand, which is usually filled with a large ring.

The photo shown to the jury at the trial showed no injuries. Heard said the blow wounds, including those he thought were broken noses, were not so severe that they were either exposed or covered with make-up.

The Pirates of the Caribbean star is suing Heard for $50 million, saying his ex-wife tarnished his name when claiming he was a victim of domestic violence. Heard retaliated against $100 million, saying Depp tarnished his name for calling him a liar.

At the start of the cross-examination, Depp's attorney asked Heard if he abused Depp and injured him further on false charges. "I could never hurt Johnny," Heard said, quoted by Reuters.

Previously, Heard told jurors that he filed for divorce from Depp in 2016 fearing he would not survive physical abuse. Heard realized the relationship was irreparable after Depp threw the phone in his face.

"I knew I had to leave him. I knew I wouldn't survive if I didn't go," she said.

"I made the decision to file for divorce. It was very difficult because I really love Johnny," she added, as quoted by ANTARA.

The two married in February 2015 and officially divorced two years later.

Depp said it was Heard who resorted to physical abuse during their relationship, including throwing a vodka bottle that severed the tip of his middle finger while in Australia in early 2015 shortly after they married.

Heard said she was not the cause of the wound on Depp's finger and that she only hit her ex-husband in defense of herself and her sister.

She also denied having put feces on Depp's mattress after they had a fight on his birthday. A Depp bodyguard testified that Heard said the stool was a joke.

Heard said he didn't make any jokes that day because he was "not in the mood to prank anyone".

"I was just assaulted by my husband on my 30th birthday, by people I love and I knew I had to leave," she said.

The case began with Heard's opinion article published in the Washington Post. The article didn't mention Johnny Depp, but lawyers said it was clear Heard had written about Depp. They divorced in 2017, less than two years after getting married.

Depp, one of Hollywood's biggest stars, said Heard's accusations cost him "everything".

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