YOGYAKARTA – Body pain is often followed by decreased appetite. If not immediately addressed, the body will drop and activities will be delayed. Dietitian Andrea Dunn, RD., reported by the Cleveland Clinic, Wednesday, April 27, recommends three basic categories of food and drink that should be consumed.

Dunn's category of recommendations includes what to eat or drink when you are dehydrated, have diarrhea, or have an upset stomach. When sick and not feeling well, the body must still be hydrated. A hydrated body avoids urinary or kidney problems and spasms. That means, at least drink enough even when the body feels weak and has no energy. Drinks that can be drunk include mineral water, either cold, hot, or room temperature, soups, liquid foods, and fruit.

rekomendasi makanan sehat untuk orang sakit
Illustration of healthy food recommendations for sick people (Unsplash/Hanxiao)

If you have problems with digestion, such as diarrhea, eat foods known as the BRAT acronym, namely bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. According to Dunn, most people with diarrhea can tolerate these four simple foods. Plus, try to eat bland foods to help relieve diarrhea symptoms. Some fruits and vegetables that are still comfortable to eat when you have diarrhea include boiled or baked potatoes, pumpkin, baked apples, applesauce, or bananas.

Dunn's recommendation for those of you who experience nausea when sick, you should really try to eat every few hours. Eating smaller meals more often can help get smaller amounts of food into your system at a time. The types of food Dunn suggested include ginger, which can be processed into ginger tea, ginger candy, ginger cookies; dry foods such as toast, biscuits, dry cereals; odorless foods, such as yogurt and jellies.

Another stomach problem, especially when the stomach lining is inflamed, the compounds in coconut water can help reduce that inflammation. compounds called tannins, can overcome inflammation. In fact, according to a study reported by Medical News Today, coconut water can provide the same level of hydration as sports drinks. Even coconut water is healthier because it doesn't need added sugar.

That's the recommendation of food and drink consumed when sick. In order for the body to be healthy, you need to eat nutritious foods to meet the body's needs.

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