YOGYAKARTA – Many studies show that attitude is closely related to mental well-being. Including being kind to others, which is not as difficult as imagined. It just needs a limit to be balanced.

Quoting VerywellMind, Thursday, April 7th, being kind is associated with the characteristics of altruism, empathy, fairness, generosity, helpfulness, honesty, kindness, courtesy, responsibility, and caring. Although the definition of good can vary from person to person, personality psychology also shows that there are different personality traits related to their qualities. While the limits of being kind are related to values, such as politeness, respect, and respect.

Good behavior, useful for encouraging greater social relationships. Besides also encouraging our own mental health. For the benefits of being kind, include the following:

1. Reduce stress

Kindness also plays a role in relieving stress. This study shows that being kind can help people cope more effectively with the effects of stress. For example, in one study, researchers found that people who performed acts of kindness reported feeling less stressed and had negative feelings.

manfaat bersikap baik pada orang lain
Illustration of the benefits of being kind to others (iStockphoto)
2. Kindness will increase

Other research has also shown that kindness is contagious. According to this study, cooperatid behavior tends to have a cascade effect, spreading up to three degrees of separation from the source. This means that if you are nice to one person, it is likely that the person who gets your good attitude will also be nice to someone else.

3. Open minded

Well, being nice also has its limits. One does not need to be manipulative by behaving well. Sometimes, being manipulative can actually get in the way of genuine communication and authenticity. So, being nice needs to be open-minded, not egocentric.

Negative emotions, sometimes make it difficult for someone to be nice. Meanwhile, open-mindedness is important and will be obtained when you can absorb information without being judgmental or oriented to personal interests.

4. More grateful

Research shows that gratitude can have many mental health benefits, including reducing stress and making it easier for a person to cope with life's difficulties. It is also a good attitude, both to oneself and to others. This means you can spend less time paying attention to those around you. That way you will be directed to situations that you are grateful for.

That's the limit as well as the benefits why we need to be kind to others. Because it turns out, you will not lose if you have a good attitude.

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