JAKARTA - Will Smith has decided to resign from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences after attacking Chris Rock during the Oscars ceremony on Sunday 27 March. of this incident. In a statement, Smith called his actions shocking, hurtful and unforgivable. He also said that he would accept any additional consequences the Academy Board of Governors deems appropriate. "The list of people I have offended is extensive and includes Chris, his family, many of my friends and loved ones, everyone present, and the global audience at home," Smith was quoted as saying by Varlety, Saturday April 2nd. "I betrayed the trust of the Academy. I deprived the other winners of the nomination and opportunity to celebrate their outstanding work. I am heartbroken," he continued. Smith also admitted that his actions had disturbed other winners. at the 94th Academy Awards. "I wanted to put the focus back on those who deserve attention for their accomplishments and allow the Academy to return to the incredible work it does to support creativity and artistry in film," said Smith. "Change takes time and I committed to doing what was meant to be done and making sure that I never again let it go Violence takes over for any reason," Smith added. Academy President David Rubin has accepted Smith's resignation from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. "We will continue our disciplinary proceedings against Mr. Smith for breaches of the Academy's Standards of Conduct, before the next board meeting scheduled for April 18," said Rubin. the comedian joked about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, likening her bald head to Demi Moore's haircut in "GI Jane". Pinkett Smith is known to suffer from hair loss due to alopecia.

The Academy later said it asked Smith to leave the ceremony, but he refused. However, a source tells us that organizational leaders never officially asked for him to be expelled and producer Will Packer urged him to stay. During an appearance at GMA on Friday April 1, Packer said that Smith should remain on the show at Rock's request. However, this has been denied by the Rock camp. On Monday, March 28, Smith finally apologized to Rock and admitted that he had crossed the line. He added that all of this was an emotional reaction because jokes about Jada's medical condition were too much for him to bear. After initially issuing statements discrediting violence, the Academy followed up with two subsequent statements that were more emphatically criticizing Smith. On Wednesday March 30, the group said Smith had violated the Academy's standards of conduct and that he had 15 days to provide a written response explaining his actions. The organization said Smith faced suspension, expulsion or other sanctions.

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