JAKARTA - Novia Bachmid's career as a singer has been full of twists and turns and a long struggle. The owner of the full name Novia Noval Bachmid has gone through various talent search events to show his talent. From Child Idol, The Voice Indonesia, to Indonesian Idol, he has tried.

Now, Novia is trying out a new ability, namely acting in the horror film Towards Maghrib. This horror genre film is Novia's debut on March 31.

Novia felt a sense of relief after the film received an enthusiastic response from the audience. During the premiere, Thursday, March 24, Novia felt positive energy when her film made the audience surprised and touched at the same time.

"Right now, we are extremely busy preparing for the release of Towards Maghrib in theaters on March 31 and have visited several media for promotion and also to prepare for collaboration in the future," said Novia during a virtual chat with VOI, Tuesday, March 28.

Not playing the role of Nina who dilakoninya. The girl who was born on January 19, 2002 has become a person with mental disorders (ODGJ) whose legs are shackled every time before sunset.

He had a mystical terror during his mental illness. Her body and mind can be controlled during the day, but when the sun dims, Nina seems to be in a trance and has to be shackled in a bamboo house with a ground floor.

Novia Bachmid (Photo: Novia Bachmid Collection, DI: Raga/VOI)

When she heard the call to prayer, Nina calmed down again. The whole night had to be shackled so as not to make her grandmother worried.

"In this film Towards Maghrib I play the role of Nina, the ODGJ where she is followed by an ancestor. This ancestor wants to convey a message to young people today that we must take care of each other, protect the environment, our ecosystem because those who live on this earth It's not just humans, but there are many others as well," he explained.

"So towards Maghrib, this story is about superstition, ancient mystical things, why can't we go out of the house before sunset, it's better at home. So don't forget to watch it," hoped Novia.

Novia's first experience of acting was very memorable. Unlike challenges in music that have to take part in several talent search events, Novia gets the opportunity to act relatively smoothly.

"At first, I was offered the offer to participate in the casting. Participating in the casting continued to come to Mas Helfi Kardit's office (director) and continued to cast Ms. Yannie, one of the producers was also nearing sunset. And there, thank God, I was chosen," he recalls.

Not immediately got the main role, Novia had to try some characters that were right for her. "I tried several characters as Nina and as Talia. Then it seems that Talia is also suitable, but Nina seems to be more suitable like that and it's a bit difficult to choose Nina's character. It's difficult. And finally Novia was chosen," he explained.

Novia Bachmid (Photo: Novia Bachmid Collection, DI: Raga/VOI)

At first, Novia objected to being Nina because there was a request to bald the front hair. As for the performance as a singer, he objected.

"Initially they asked to have their hair shaved because to play the character, right. Then I said 'No, I can't.' But in the end, it can be engineered, we make it so that how do I go bald and it already has the make-up effect, so in the end, Alhamdulillah, it's okay," he explained.

Novia liked the story of the film Towards Maghrib even though it was doubted by her friends. It's nothing, they are worried that Novia will have to act hard to become ODGJ.

"My friend said, 'How dare you take a film with such strong characters, meaning it's really out of the box, not really Novia and you really make a very ODGJ here, it's really bad, then ghosts like that and shooting isn't that easy either'. But that's what I really want because I want to try something new where I've never tried it like I want to feel what it's like to act in this character," he explained.

Novia proves her friends' worries didn't happen. She successfully played the character of Nina.

"It's amazing. Hearing the response of the people at the premiere, they were astonished. "Nov is crazy about acting" and then I said "Why?" "As Nina, it looks really bad," they were also surprised that there were a lot of jumpscares, because maybe it was from my gaze, from my creepy movements. It was really good," he said.

Novia's experience with friends who are in a trance turns out to be the main asset. He recorded the experience of treating friends by looking at their eyes, their strange movements.

"It's already in my head so maybe it's easy for me to practice it on set and I'm actually just happy. People see 'Wow, there must be so many difficulties in this shoot.' Yes! It's difficult, but I'm happy to run it, so thank God everything went smoothly," said Novia Bachmid.

Addicted to Movies
Novia Bachmid (Photo: Novia Bachmid Collection, DI: Raga/VOI)

Without a doubt, Novia admitted that she was addicted to playing movies. He wants to try acting in different roles in the future. He believes that acting and singing can go hand in hand.

"It's addictive. It's fun to meet friends, with people on set, and we also learn a lot in the film because we have to read scripts and then we learn something new. How do we get out of our comfort zone, come out of ourselves to become characters in the story, so it's really exciting," he explained.

Similar to singing, acting requires emotional regulation to make the audience believe and feel the feelings of the characters he plays.

"Singing, acting is in front of the camera. Singing I only sing a few songs, finished but still with emotion. If acting is what we have to be characters, it must be in accordance with the characters in the film in the scenario, so It's like we're not ourselves, but we're exemplifying the character of that person. We put that person's character into us. If we sing, it's really us, right. I sing that myself, "he said.

In the future, Novia wants to try acting with different genres and characters. "I really want action like fighting or something like a power girl, like Gal Gadot. Anyway, I want to try everything. Or maybe I can become a horror specialist," he hoped.

Novia Bachmid (Photo: Novia Bachmid Collection, DI: Raga/VOI)

The statement of being a horror specialist is certainly very tempting. Because the consistency of work needs to be proven over time.

"I like watching horror movies because I like something that stimulates my adrenaline. But in the future, I'll just follow along like if the story is really good and interesting, why not try it?" he said.

Not only acting, Novia also filled in the original sound track for the film Towards Maghrib. For him, this was a blessing, although it was sudden, the whole process went smoothly.

"We just thought after the new shoot, like "Oh, it turns out, how about we make a soundtrack when Novia is there too?" Novia can sing too. So why don't we just do that," recalled this long-haired girl.

"So yesterday we immediately rushed, eh, the song was new, so we immediately made the MV in a short time. And Alhamdulillah, it was immediately included in the video in the film Towards Maghrib," he explained.

After the broadcast, Novia hopes that the audience at Maghrib will receive the message conveyed in the film. "For all of them, after they watched it, they saw it and hopefully they can imagine how painful it is that there are so many ODGJs out there who are still in pasung. How painful it is to be in pasung and keep them in silence and they don't do anything. Even eating is so painful," he said.

"Hopefully after this film, there will be convenience and there will be a way to deal with ODGJ-ODGJ out there, how to make them free again and their treatment more humanized. That doesn't have to be shackled," hoped Novia.

Novia Bachmid (Photo: Novia Bachmid Collection, DI: Raga/VOI)

After the film aired, Novia was ready to sing again. 8 months after graduating from Indonesian Idol and joining the record company Hits Records. Novia released her first single entitled Want To Fall In Love. The single, created by Pika Iskandar, is packed with R&B nuances by music producer and DJ, Kenny Gabriel.

Recently, Novia sang the song Kukutup Hatiku. This song feels special because it is his own work.

"I wrote the song myself. This is a bit of a personal experience where I feel like it took me a long time to respond and actually I've already joined my teams, people who always talk about toxic relationships, who are stuck in a relationship. So I've combined how to do it The way is to make this song relate to the stories that I hear every day from the stories of my teams and those closest to me," he said.

Of course, as a singer, he hopes that his songs will be accepted by the Indonesian people. "Although the vocals are a bit difficult, I hope they like the song," he hoped.

Another hope of Novia is to be able to return to the stage in a big concert. Two years of the pandemic made Novia feel how difficult it is to be a singer. How I miss singing in front of an audience. When the government opened the concert permit, Novia welcomed it with joy.

"Well, of course, I and other musicians are very happy because we haven't had any concerts for several years. That means there is a show but even then it is very limited to the audience. It's like our lives are back again," he said.

Novia really misses appearing on the live stage and being able to interact with the audience. "I miss singing in front of people and being able to get feedback from them. So the enthusiasm is even more so, thank God now concerts are being held everywhere and hopefully in the future it will be smoother," he hoped.

The successful collaboration with Alffy Rev in the Wonderland Indonesia music project in 2021 made Novia Bachmid's name widely known. He wants to be consistent in his work going forward.

"My dream is to make my own album and production, I just want to make everything myself from my heart. I want to make something purely from my experience for my album," he said.

The success of acting will not make Novia Bachmid leave music. His musical blood flows thickly from his father who had participated in the Asia Bagus event.

"The meaning of music for me is my happiness, my entertainment, which makes me what Novi is today. Because without music, I wouldn't be able to be what I am now, so I live from music," he said.

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