JAKARTA - To coincide with the commemoration of Indonesian Film Day (HFN), the XII Indonesian Journalist Film Festival (FFWI) was officially launched, Wednesday, March 30, both live streaming on the festivalwartawanid YouTube channel and with the tumpeng cutting ceremony, which was held at the Central Building. Haji Usmar Ismail Film, Jakarta.

FFWI is a film festival where all the jury and committee consist of journalists. In this film festival, each genre or type of film that meets a certain amount is also judged. The winners were awarded the Gunungan Cup. In her speech, the Chairperson of the FFWI Committee, Wina Armada Sukardi, stated that the reason FFWI was held at the same time as HFN was because the history of Indonesian films, Usmar Ismail and journalists could not be separated.

Wina said, when talking about Indonesian films, it is impossible to separate from the name Usmar Ismail. The Father of Indonesian Film is a reference for the determination of National Film Day, which is every 30 March.

Usmar Ismail fights for Indonesian films so that they can be made by Indonesians and done entirely by Indonesian workers.

Usmar Ismail, added Wina, not only as a filmmaker and producer, but also as a reliable journalist. In fact, he was once the Chairman of the PWI. It is clear that journalists are part of the Indonesian film ecosystem. "Therefore, the XII FFWI launched today is not only appropriate, but also relevant," he said.

The holding of FFWI in 2022 is again in partnership with the Directorate of Film, Music and Media (PMM), Director General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology RI. Director of PPM, Ahmad Mahendra, welcomed the implementation of FFWI XII in 2022, and hoped that this would be a part of the progress of Indonesian cinema. Mahendra. Furthermore, Mahendra explained, this activity will be an active part in advancing and maintaining the quality of Indonesian films, so that later the organizers and winners of FFWI 2022 will be more mature and have quality by themselves.

"We express full support for FFWI," said Mahendra. "Happy work and happy festival," said Ahmad Mahendra.

The FFWI 2022 committee consists of five people, namely Wina Armada Sukardi as Chair. Then as Head of the respective Fields Shandy Gasella (Event Division), Yan Widjaya (Film Judging and Procurement Division), Ipik Tanoyo (Communication, Information, Publication and Documentation Division) and Benny Benke (Secretary Division).

They were assisted by six staff, namely Arul Muhsen, Irish Rismoyo, Didang Praja Sasmita, Tertiani ZB Simanjuntak, Nini Sunny and Puput Puji Lestari.

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