JAKARTA – Detox is short for detoxification. Detoxification is a natural step to eliminate substances that are considered toxic in the body. While a sugar detox is done to keep blood sugar stable, diet, and reduce excessive sweet cravings. But that doesn't mean cutting out sweet foods, it's just that you need proper consideration in consuming them.
According to Dr. Jole Fuhrman, author of The End of Dieting, says cutting out the amount of sugar you eat for a few days and then eating it again isn't worth it. Unless it's a long term habit.
Bethany Doerfler, RD., LDN., a clinical research dietitian at the Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation, explains that the brain can react to sugar. The reaction is similar to drugs and alcohol. So it is often referred to as the behavior of 'addiction' to sugar-sweetened foods.
Regardless of the various ways that are taken, the main goal of a dual detox is to reduce the intake of added sugars from your diet. If you want to do it without risking your body limp due to hypoglycemia, here are tips and ways to detox sugar.

1. Replace flavored drinks with mineral water
Mineral water is the best hydration fluid. If you like soda, sweet tea, sweet coffee, and fruit-flavored drinks, replace it with mineral water. Each serving of soda, generally contains 20-48 grams of sugar. Diet soda is not necessarily a good alternative drink for your health. This means you need to convince yourself that mineral water is best for detoxification.
2. Choose fresh fruit
However, the body still needs glucose for metabolic processes. Well, meet the body's need for sugar by eating fresh fruit. Because fruit has natural sugars that are equipped with fiber and nutrients to slow absorption in the bloodstream.
3. Eat more protein
Make sure you're eating enough protein at breakfast, advises Carrie Forest, MPH., a public health expert on nutrition. Protein foods help you feel full longer.
4. Choose complex carbohydrates
There are two types of carbohydrates, namely simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are higher in fiber content, for example in sweet potatoes. Instead of consuming refined carbohydrates such as pasta and bread, it's better to choose fresh menus that are faintly sweet even without adding sugar.
5. Manage stress
Stress can encourage us to eat sweet snacks. Stress also depletes the body of important nutrients, such as magnesium and B vitamins. To manage stress, you can do moderate exercise. Also, get enough sleep and rest to reduce insulin sensitivity the next day.
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