JAKARTA - Raffi Ahmad claims to be a civil servant. Not a Civil Servant but an Employee of Nagita Slavina. With that status, all Rans Entertainment income belongs to Nagita.

This was revealed by Raffi Ahmad on the Gita Wirjawan YouTube channel. Raffi Ahmad said that Nagita Slavina is the CEO of the YouTube channel he built.

"A little correction, I'm not the CEO, the CEO is Nagita Slavina. I'm a civil servant, an employee of Nagita Slavina, she's the boss," said Raffi Ahmad.

Raffi Ahmad has promised his wife that the money from his YouTube channel will belong to Nagita Slavina. "So I have an agreement, if I hold the shooting money and others. If the YouTube money is held by Nagita Slavina. That's been the case since YouTube was there," explained Raffi Ahmad.

But over time, Raffi Ahmad realized that his YouTube Channel was actually growing and getting bigger. Even Nagita's YouTube income is greater than Raffi's.

"But I didn't think that RANS would be this big now. I thought it used to be like, how much money did our YouTube people make at first, I didn't know that now they have a lot of money," said Raffi Ahmad.

The piece of Raffi Ahmad and Gita's chat was then re-uploaded by several gossip accounts on Instagram. Apparently the statement made netizens amazed.

"Glorifying his wife as queen, deserves abundant fortune," wrote the netizen in Lambeturah's upload.

"An example of a good husband. The fortune is all for the family," wrote another netizen.

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