JAKARTA - Susi, Steno Ricardo's wife, continues to insinuate Mawar AFI through an Instagram account that allegedly belongs to her. As if she was hurt because Mawar AFI became a guest star on television and various YouTube channels by revealing her relationship with Steno when she was still Mawar's husband, Susi asked for her honorarium to be divided in half.

This Instagram has almost the same name as Susi's Instagram and often uploads satirical words. "If By Hurt Me You Get A Lot Of Money Then DO IT. For two of us," wrote the account @susisltfh__.

The account is believed to belong to Susi because Steno mentioned it several times in his uploads. Susi Latifah also revealed about her reaction if she was now labeled negative.

"I'm not at all worried about other people's negative assessments of me. I'm just worried that I'm judged to be fine, even though in fact there are a lot of my disgraces that he doesn't show," exclaimed the account @susisltfh__.

Susi continues to upload satire words. "Beautiful or comfortable? Definitely comfortable. Because I'm looking for a partner not jewelry."

Warganet also responded to the upload. "Every time he posts, you don't need to comment anymore, brothers, he's just looking for attention," wrote the netizen.

"It's funny, how come he feels hurt," wrote another netizen.

Meanwhile Mawar AFI also continued to quip. Mawar uploaded a recent conversation with Steno. In the message, Steno explained that he was undergoing semi-taaruf.

"The decision 'okay I'm getting married' was long after the iddah period ended. And actually, this is semi-ta'aruf," said Steno Ricardo.

He explained that the taaruf process had been carried out after discussions with psychologists and religious teachers. Steno also mentioned he allowed the children to find new partners.

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