JAKARTA - The death of the novelist Lupus, Hilman Hariwijaya on Wednesday, March 9, made soap opera actors mournful. Hilman is known not only to write novels, but also many soap opera scenarios.

Natasha Wilona, Mona Ratuliu, Dinna Lorenza, Irga Fahrezi, Cindy Fatikasari and Tengku Firmansyah said they were heartbroken. Through his InstaStory, Wilona re-shared Hilman Hariwijaya's portrait. Natasha Wilona revealed that many of her soap operas were written by the deceased.

"My deepest condolences for the death of Om Hilman. A legend writer, many of my soap operas were written by him. May he rest in peace," wrote Natasha Wilona.

Irgi Fahrezi came to mourn and wrote farewell words to Hilam Hariwijaya via his Instagram. He shared a video that was the last moment of their meeting.

"Allahumaghfirlahu warhamhu wa'afihii wa'fuanhu Innalillahi wa Innaillaihi roji'un Goodbye my friend @thehilmanhariwijaya. Allah loves you bro...," he wrote.

"Thank you for being a part of my career... God willing, the best for you... your grave will be opened. The calm ones are good people... Goodbye LUPUS," wrote Irgi Fahrezi.

Actors Tengku Firmansyah and Cindy Fatikasari also feel sad over the death of Hilman Hariwijaya. They claimed to have met the author before leaving for good.

"We both got the news this morning with his sister's wife that my best friend, Hilman Hariwajaya is gone," said Tengku Firmansyah on the same day.

Tengku and Cindy met Hilman when they had a stroke, but they did not communicate again after Hilman had a liver disease.

"Because his liver had previously had a stroke and his liver was healed but it came back again. There are lung complications and others until finally his immune system can't fight the disease," said the Lupus actor.

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