JAKARTA - A typical Tegal shop or Warteg usually serves side dishes as a dish. However, it is different from the warteg in the East Kemang area that has a unique concept and is somewhat eccentric.

Generally, warteg is a pocket-friendly place to eat for the metropolitan community of Jakarta. Usually, visitors can already see various side dishes through the glass window where the waiter takes them.

It's just that this stall is not a place to eat, but Warget Bahagia. Once viral on social media, a place that looks identical to warteg, has an unexpected place in it.

Warget is an acronym for 'Warung Joget' which is used to describe the concept of the warteg. The bar inside the warteg certainly plays up beat songs, so that visitors can dance like in a normal bar.

"He saw Warget, the idea was to be different from the others," said Firmansyah as Warget's assistant manager during a conversation with VOI, Sunday, December 5.

The front view of Warget is not much different from Warteg in general (Rizki Adytia Pramana / VOI)

Who would have thought, the front view of this place is identical to the common warteg with the large 'Warget Bahagia' inscription on the windows. Several blue wooden benches are also neatly arranged outside the warteg with a fairly small parking area.

Between the roaring sounds of passing vehicles, a faint song could be heard from inside the warteg. Whereas inside, there is only a glass window containing instant noodles and coffee sachets, as well as several bowls and glasses that are arranged like a normal warteg.

But who knows, after passing through the yellow door in the corner of the room is the entrance to the bar. The room was filled with millennial people who were hanging out and gathering.

The light is dimmed by the sound of upbeat electronic dance music that sounds loud in the ears. The sound of splashing from the visitors seemed to be shouting inside the Happy Warget.

It's not wrong if this warteg is called 'Warung Joget', its unique concept can be said to be the right way to divert attention. Not a camouflage, but rather to show a unique place to dance after releasing the fatigue of the metropolitan city.

The atmosphere offered by 'Warget Bahagia' is quite comfortable. Two bartenders appeared dexterous in preparing drinks for the bar patrons. Apart from alcoholic drinks, this bar also provides several variants of local Indonesian drinks.

Display in Warget which is a bar (Rizki Adytia Pramana / VOI)

Red and white grapes are the main spear. However, the parent-stamped drink was not provided as usual. They provide it by mixing it in a large one liter bottle.

"There are four types of drinks. We call them signature. There are local pride, local joy, tropical pride, tropical joy. Everything from red and white wine," said Firman.

For the price of the drink, it's still quite pocket-friendly. "Prices start from Rp. 90 K (thousand). Safe in the pocket. Target young people up to 35," added Firman.

If interested, please stop by this unique warteg. The location is in the East Kemang area, South Jakarta.

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