JAKARTA – Quality sleep is influenced by many things. In an extensive study to explore the relationship between quality sleep after sex. Both, it turns out to influence each other. On the one hand, many studies have found evidence that sleep quality can also improve sex life. Meanwhile, a healthy sex life can facilitate improved sleep quality.

How are these two aspects related to each other? Reported by the Sleep Foundation, Wednesday, March 2, sleep and sexuality are so complex because they involve the mind as well as the body. Getting quality sleep at night is beneficial for recovery or restorative. Sexuality is just as important. Healthy sex includes four elements, including sexual desire or libido, arousal or excitement, orgasm or ejaculation, and resolution which involves positive feelings after orgasm.

Studies have found that lack of sleep reduces sexual desire and arousal in women. In men, insomnia increases the risk of erectile dysfunction. Lack of sleep not only hinders a healthy sexual life, but also declines in mental health.

In a reciprocal relationship, sexuality contributes to better sleep. After orgasm, the body releases the hormones oxytocin and prolactin. These two hormones cause feelings of pleasure and relaxation. Sex also reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Hormonal changes that occur after sex can cause drowsiness and make it easier to fall asleep. This effect is also experienced when masturbating. The study found, 50 percent of male and female participants said that orgasm from masturbation can help them fall asleep and improve the quality of their sleep.

Another study examined how sex affects the hormones of heterosexual couples. The results found that hormonal responses also affect closeness and intimacy so that you can sleep more soundly. The effect is greater experienced by men than women. When both partners reach orgasm, a positive effect is experienced by each hetero couple.

To maintain quality sleep, everyone needs to take simple steps. For example, avoiding drinking caffeine three hours before bedtime, learning relaxation techniques, setting the bedroom as a technology-free zone, to exercising and getting enough sunlight. Meanwhile, to improve sexual health, you and your partner need to practice safer sex.

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