JAKARTA – Planting does not only use planting media in the form of soil. Two popular planting systems in recent years use water media. These systems are known as aquaponics and hydroponics. Even though they both use water media, they both have fundamental differences.

To explore more deeply, the following is an explanation of the differences between hydroponic and aquaponic growing systems.

1. Get to know hydroponics and aquaponics

Hydroponics is a gardening method in which plants are grown in a clean environment. While aquaponics is a system that combines hydroponics with aquatic or growing wastewater from fish. The goal is to minimize waste.

Reported by The Hydroponics Planet, Tuesday, March 1, hydroponics uses water that is rich in nutrients. This depends on the type of system. The growing medium used is inert, such as pearlite. Hydroponics is divided into several methods, including aeroponics, tidal, nutrient layer techniques, and the Wilma system. But in principle, this method does not use soil and roots in direct contact with the solution.

perbedaan akuaponik dan hidroponik
Illustration of the difference between aquaponics and hydroponics (Pexels/Pragyan Bezbaruah)

Gardening with aquaponics is a combination of technology. The reason is, in aquaculture where fish live in tanks which are also a planting medium. In the system, the water becomes dirty and needs to be removed. In order not to waste water, it is used for plants that grow in the tank.

Plants in an aquaponic system will eat fish waste bacteria. This mutualism symbiosis works to clean water, eat bacteria as nutrients, and conserve water.

2. Both rely on water

Both types of farming systems rely on water. Both can produce higher yields than planted in the ground. Even this system is less likely to be damaged by pests.

3. Plant fertilization system

Plants grown with a hydroponic system need nutrients. Generally use chemical liquid fertilizers. In contrast to aquaponics, where nutrients come from fish waste, it is considered more organic.

4. Cost effectiveness

For aquaponic plants, it is very cost effective because organic matter is used to supply nutrients. In this system, the balance of nature needs to be ensured to work properly so that the symbiosis is effective. Whereas in a hydroponic system, costs will increase because it requires chemical nutrients due to the scarcity of minerals in the growing media.

5. Ease of operation

Hydroponic system, the operation is easier because there are fewer elements. For an aquaponic system, if you add or remove elements, it is necessary to ensure a balanced ecosystem so as not to damage the balance.

The difference again, hydroponics can be in a narrow space. But aquaponics requires space for a fish tank although you can use an aquarium that is adapted to the room.

Which is better, hydroponics or aquaponics?

Aquaponics and hydroponics have their own systems. However, aquaponics is considered to be slightly superior because the results obtained are higher. For the average farmer who wants a system around their home, most opt for more practical work. And both can be mutually beneficial, instead of buying vegetables outside it is preferable to grow your own at home.

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