JAKARTA - The 500 Million Kwikku 2021 Competition which has been going on for 4 (four) months, from September 4, 2021 to January 4, 2022. There are 5,000+ works that are entered as competition participants who are selected by the jury.

With enthusiasm no less than the competition that was held in 2020, Kwikku believes that the future of the world of literacy

Indonesia will not lack the number of qualified writers or creators.

“Following last year's success, this year's Kwikku writing competition has again succeeded in attracting many writers of various genres with quality stories and cool diction in telling original ideas. One of my favorite things is that many writers dare to incorporate local cultural content into stories that are told in new ways,” explained A Fuadi, the judge of the competition.

for the novel category in the virtual winner announcement, Friday, February 18th.

In organizing this competition, Kwikku took 10 professionals in their fields to be judges, in the novel category there were Dee Lestari, A. Fuadi, Agustinus Wibowo, Rintik Sedu, and Erisca Febriani.

Meanwhile for the webtoon category, Kwikku collaborated with Sweta Kartika, Chris Lie, Olvyanda, Krisanti, and Faza Meonk. In addition to the two categories above, at this time Kwikku added a new category, namely cover design where the judges in charge were from the Falcon art design team.

The selection of winners in this competition considered several important points, namely for the novel category the jury assessed the level of originality of the work, storytelling techniques, and grammar, while for the webtoon category the jury made visuals, storytelling techniques, and layout as important points to be assessed, and for the cover category the jury's design made the layout and the unity of color, typeface, and image as assessment points.

The assessment process takes approximately 1 (one) month, as said by Faza Meonk as the webtoon judge. “The judging process this time is quite time consuming, because the finalists have unique and interesting works. Hopefully this kind of competition can continue to be held because it can find new talents in the creative world, especially writing and comics,” he said.

“This year, we have the opportunity to hold a jury meeting, so it's not only based on tabulation results, and for that we are satisfied with the results of the judging that we agreed on, including the selected winners. I personally hope that the Kwikku competition can become one of the main writing competitions in Indonesia, which can produce balanced works of quality, at the same time.

can be liked by wide readers,” explained Dee Lestari as the jury for the novel category.

The following is a list of the main winners of the 2021 500 Million Kwikku Competition. In the novel and webtoon categories, the winners will be translated into films.

Novel Category

Champion I

TUKAR TAMBAH FATE by Seplia Sartika S., won a prize of Rp. 100 million.

2nd place

WAIT ME IN BATAVIA by Ni Ketut Yuni Suastini, won a prize of IDR 50 million.

Third Place

NUN MATI 1962 by Tian Setiawati Topandi, won a prize of Rp. 25 million.

Webtoon Category

Champion I

PALLID DREAM by Ulfia Khairani D., won a prize of Rp. 100 million.

2nd place


SUNLOVER by 7Studio, won IDR 50 million.

Third Place

INTERNSHIP IN SUPERVILLAINS by Kyriepoda, won IDR 25 million.

Category Cover Design

Champion I

THE ARCHER by A. Fajrul Islam, won IDR 50 million.

2nd place

TIGER! TIGER! by Benie Ahmad, won Rp. 30 million.

Third Place

LOVE IS JUST A MEMORY by Amalina Nur Asrari, won Rp. 20 million.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)