JAKARTA – An apple doesn't fall far from its tree, like the proverb, parents set an example for their children. Father and mother are the closest people to their children, both of whom were the first to teach feet to touch the ground. Parents also teach various aspects of values in life.
An example is something to be imitated and good to be imitated. Parents act as models for their children to imitate. Through the personality, behavior, and achievements of their parents, they inspire their children. Citing The Center for Parenting Education, Thursday, February 17, social scientists point out that learning that occurs during childhood is acquired through observation and imitation.
For most children, the most important role models are their parents and caregivers. This is the reason why parents should be good role models for their children. Whether it's positive or negative examples and the lifestyle they live, the children get from the people closest to them.
Even more deeply, according to David Streight, executive director of the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education and a certified psychologist, says that children imitate the way their parents act. This affects them to grow up with well-developed conscience and moral reasoning skills.
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A good role model, for children memorable for life. Especially about how they should act when experiencing difficult situations in life. It even affects empathy, social relations, and character building. So how do you act as a role model for your baby? Here's how.
1. Realizing the big responsibility as a parent
Nobody said it was easy, but it's not impossible. First, one needs to be aware of one's responsibilities as a parent. The smallest example, if you don't want your baby to be grumpy, then be assertive and don't be an example of an angry person.
2. Do as you say
All parents want to educate their children well. But sadly, often saying "Do what I say, not as I do" does not succeed in educating children. That means parents need to do what is told to their children.
Children know what is pure and what is false, so demonstrate consistency between spoken words and actions. If you don't want your kids to skip school pretending to be sick, then you shouldn't do the same for a work permit.
3. Review behavior and attitudes
Acting as an example can be seen from the behavior and attitudes of parents. How parents deal with stress, respond to problems, express anger, and other negative emotions, treat others, fulfill responsibilities, lose, correct mistakes, and take care of themselves.
4. Focus on the positive
It's important to ask yourself, especially what kind of person your child wants to be, then consider what you can do to emulate the behaviors and attitudes that reflect such a person. This method confirms that you need to double-check your own values.
5. Build strong relationships with children
Parents will have a big influence on children's lives if they have a warm relationship. Then build a strong relationship with the children. Give them unconditional love in a safe environment. Teach about discipline and independence consistently. Also, be a good listener without judgmental pretensions.
The last way is to be a good example, it is important to forgive mistakes. No one is perfect, which means understanding that if you make a mistake you need to immediately address the situation and make amends.
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