JAKARTA - Actor Reza Rahadian, participated in a social event to help heal a multi-talented artist Remy Sylado. The performance was held at the Small Theatre, Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Central Jakarta, on Friday, February 4, 2022 in the afternoon with the title Prayer for Remy Sylado.

Reza's involvement in the event was inseparable from the role of the chief executive, Jose Rizal Manua. On that occasion, the actor, who is currently viral with his series Kites Break, reads a poem entitled All Beauty is Realized.

"Mas Jose was my teacher in the beginning, I really respect him. When I was told that there was this event I welcomed it if this could be a small support maybe and the support could recover. I think as a part of this industry (art) I am also very excited can come," said Reza to Voi.id after the event.

Although he has never met Remy in person, Reza admits that he has learned a lot from the 76-year-old artist's poems. "I have read about Uncle Remy, he is very sensitive to Indonesian dictions because he has written a book about it," said Reza.

"I am a person who also enjoys learning it. I remember Mrs. Jajang C. Noer said that language is part of language identity, so we have to care. We know that in the current era languages are mixed up. So Indonesian is important to always learn and that's why it's in uncle Remy's poems," he added.

Remy was known to have been critical in 2020 because he had an infection in his kidneys, had a history of heart disease, and had high blood pressure. He had to go back and forth to the hospital until finally just lying at home because of minimal costs.

After receiving a visit from Governor Anies Baswedan, Remy was finally able to receive VIP treatment and surgery at Tarakan Hospital and now his condition is getting better. At the event, a video of Remy's health situation was shown who could joke and even sing a poem from Germany, which was musicalized by an English poet.

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