JAKARTA - The film Kukira Kau Rumah starts airing today, Thursday, February 3 in Indonesian cinemas. The film, starring and produced by Prilly Latuconsina, raises the issue of mental health among teenagers.

Kukira Kau Rumah tells the story of Pram (21 years old), a lonely young man, since middle school his father has died, and his mother is busy working. Pram fills his days by playing music and composing songs while working at a music cafe. Until then, Pram knew Niskala (19 years).

Pram was then close to Niskala, and one thing that Pram did not know at that time was; Niskala people with bipolar. Niskala actually studied secretly without the knowledge of his father, Dedi (50 years old). Niskala's only goal was to prove to his father that even with his illness, Niskala would still be able to excel.

This is only known by Mela (48 years old), Niskala's mother, and two of Niskala's friends, Oktavianus (20 years old) and Dinda (19 years old). With that condition, basically Niskala's condition is very limited. But since Pram became familiar with Niskala, Niskala's life has changed.

"We want to make a film that is not just about love. There is another value by including mental health issues in the film Kukira Kau Home," said Director Umay Sahab during the gala premiere some time ago.

Starting from 2019, the film undergoes periodic changes to the scenario. "Initially, we talked with Umay about making a short film. But then the idea continued to develop into a cinema film. At that time, at the beginning of the pandemic, people really cared about how to take care of their body health, wear masks, keep their distance, but people don't care about mental health. Stress You can't go anywhere," Prilly recalled on the same occasion.

Prilly sees many people underestimate mental health. They even tend to laugh at people who claim to be mentally ill and even call them crazy.

"People who have mental disorders are not always crazy. We often think they are joking, for example someone commits suicide because the thesis is not finished. It's easy to say 'Ah, it wasn't just him who did the thesis, I didn't like the stress.' Even though we don't know how important the thesis is for him, what his struggles are like," he explained.

Because of that, Prilly feels the need to make people understand that mental health is important. Like the bipolar issue that was raised in the film Kukira You're Home.

"Bipolar people feel that the awareness that we have built in the film Kukira Kau Rumah is important. When they feel bipolar is on hold, they are considered not capable of going to college and doing other things, even though they are not. Bipolar people are capable, the only difference is that they experience emotional changes," said Prilly Latuconsina.

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