JAKARTA - Artist Kesha Ratuliu wrote the latest news about her little family. He said the baby and her husband had tested positive for COVID-19.

"Hi uncle online aunty Qwenzy! Finally, in batch 3 of this pandemic, we can feel it too, and hopefully we can pass it and become alumni!" wrote Kesha Ratuliu on Wednesday, February 2.

Not only the baby, her husband Adhi Permana was also called positive for COVID-19. Initially, it was her husband who underwent a PCR test, then their child, Qwenzy Kalandra Putra Permana was also examined.

"Papa Adhi and Qwenzy are positive for COVID-19 after yesterday Papa Adhi did PCR and because Qwenzy had symptoms, we decided to check for Qwenzy as well," said Kesha.

Kesha explained that even though she intended to take a vacation on the 4th, it had to be postponed so that her family could recover from the virus.

"Well, even though you want to go on a first family trip, son on the 4th of the week, it's okay to pass it first so that you have antibodies to fight the virus, hopefully soon everything will be able to adapt to the virus. Stay safe everyone! Pray for Qwenzy and papa Adhi to continue with mild symptoms, okay? " he said again.

It is known that Kesha Ratuliu welcomed her first child who was born by caesarean section on December 12, 2021. The baby was treated in the NICU due to his unfavorable condition.

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