JAKARTA - The red outfit is one of the hallmarks of celebrating Chinese New Year. But as it got here, more and more women started leaving Qipao and switching to the usual red clothes. The reason is simple, so that it can be worn anytime and anywhere. Adapting Beautified, Monday, January 31, the following ideas can be used as inspiration so that the all-red look during Chinese New Year is not boring.
Pants Play Just because you wear red, doesn't mean you can only combine it with basic colors. Don't hesitate to combine a red top with bold pink or deep green trousers. Voila, your red outfit will look more exciting to celebrate Chinese New Year.
The red dress seems to be the most often chosen by women to celebrate Chinese New Year because it is easy to wear and doesn't have to be complicated to mix and match. If your choice falls on a loose cut dress, wear a belt with interesting details at the waist so that your body doesn't look shapeless.
Disassemble old dress collections and combine them with unexpected fashion items. Wear a fitted shirt as an inner red dress that may be too sexy to wear to a family event. Not only to celebrate Chinese New Year, this red outfit inspiration can later be used for work or wedding invitations.
The new year means it's time to try a new style. You can mix and match various clothing textures in one outfit. For a moment forget safe materials such as cotton or satin. Choose a faux leather material for the top and a pleated skirt made of luxurious chiffon silk. The result? A dynamic yet feminine look that is suitable when gathering with family to celebrate Chinese New Year.
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