JAKARTA - Coinciding with the third day of the departure of her beloved child Maura Magnalia, Nurul Arifin and her husband Mayong Suryolaksno made a pilgrimage to the tomb of the princess. He released the longing after his daughter was gone for good.
Nurul and Maura have a fairly close relationship. Naturally, Maura is Nurul's eldest daughter. Photos of Nurul and Maura together were uploaded on Instagram. For example, when it was Maura's birthday, Nurul congratulated her while displaying photos of Maura who was still a child. If Nurul Arifin before becoming a member of the DPR was an artist and photo model, it seems that Maura Magnalia's footsteps were not followed. Even though Maura has a beautiful face. It could be that he is not interested in being an artist or a politician. Maura's figure is very eccentric and has a smart brain.

Friday, January 28, Nurul Arifin accompanied by her husband Mayong Suryolaksono visited her daughter's grave in San Diego Hills, Karawang, West Java. Coincidentally, that day coincided with the 3rd day of the departure of Maura Magnalia who died at the age of 28 years.
After returning from the tomb, Nurul and Mayong, both wearing white and white clothes, greeted the media crew before entering the house. Nurul tried to be strong even though the sadness had not disappeared from his face.
"Thank you for your attention, I think that's enough (interview-ed)," explained Nurul. This member of the DPR RI from the Golkar Party faction also said that he temporarily refused to be interviewed about Maura because he wanted his daughter to calm down. "I'm sorry Maura won't be disturbed," he added as reported by Paragram.id.
Nurul admitted that he had come from the grave because he missed the figure of Maura Magnalia, his eldest daughter who died of cardiac arrest. Nurul thanked the many parties who had helped him a lot. "Hopefully I will be strong, God willing, many will strengthen us, all of us friends," said Nurul. Before Nurul and Mayong arrived home, their second child Melkior Mirari also arrived home wearing a white shirt. It seemed he was also with the parents from Maura's grave.
Through her personal Instagram @na_nurularifin, this beautiful politician gave a statement regarding the sad news when Maura died "Gone to soon, my angle Maura..Finally you find you peace. Mom, Dad, and Dimel will always miss you," wrote Nurul Arifin on Instagram.
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