JAKARTA - Have you ever wondered whether the snake plant you put in your house can bring you good luck or bad luck? Apparently, according to feng shui this popular ornamental plant gets a bad reputation. Launching The Spruce, Thursday, January 27, here are some things to keep in mind if you have a snake plant at home.
Snake plant or Dracaena trifasciata, is a plant with long, pointed leaves that point upwards. The leaves have various colors, from dark green, light green, to yellow. Because it has towering leaves and has a snake-like motif, no doubt this plant is called a snake plant.
Snake plants don't need a lot of water, so you don't have to water them often. This plant can also grow in a variety of light conditions, making it a good plant for beginners as well as good feng shui. Why? Because good feng shui plants fall into the category of plants that are easy to care for. Although rarely watered, good plants according to feng shui can thrive and add positive energy.
Maybe you've heard if the plants that should be avoided in the maintenance of the house according to feng shui are the types of thorny plants and pointed leaves such as the snake plant. Although this is general advice, it is not entirely true.
Snake plant and other pointed plants can bring positive energy according to feng shui if placed in the right position. There are certain places you should avoid placing pointed, sharp-leaved plants, such as in front entrances. Usually, round leaf plants are best suited for this area because they help absorb good energy to flow into the house.
According to feng shui, the snake plant is a great example of the wood element Yang, which represents growth and qi signifies vital energy. The direction of the wood qi is upward, and the shape and growth of the snake plant really does this. Sword-shaped leaves also cut off negative energy, which can be beneficial in many ways.
Snake plants are great for areas where you want to lift qi or increase energy because of their strong, upward-growing leaves. This plant can also be an addition to any area of the house where you feel like there is a jammed and negative energy. The snake plant can cut through this energy and carry vital and uplifting wood qi energy.
You can also place a snake plant according to feng shui bagua. A feng shui bagua is a conceptual map laid out over a space with eight areas or directions around a center. Each section of the bagua has many layers of meaning, but at the most basic level, each corresponds to a specific area of life. You may want to place your snake plant in an area that brings family harmony, wealth, or fame to your home.
All of these feng shui bagua areas are powered by the energy of wood, and adding a snake plant is a great way to enhance the wood element in these areas. If you intend to add plants to a room to make it more funky, then the best way is to buy new plants instead of moving old plants from one room to another.
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