JAKARTA – Positive thinking in one condition is really needed. For example, when you want to enjoy the peace of life or after facing a barrage of problems. However, according to psychotherapists, excessive positive thinking is not beneficial.

There are various reasons behind the direction of Amy Morin, LSCW., according to her, positive thinking makes a person more optimistic. But many misunderstand the thoughts that can help you cope with the pain and achieve this new goal. Here are the reasons why you need to stay realistic and think positively naturally.

1. Too positive potentially blinds unrealistic expectations

It turns out that establishing realistic expectations is not equivalent to positive thinking. That is, positive thinking needs to be in accordance with reality so that it does not harm. If you overestimate how much of a positive impact the changes will have on your life, says Morin, as reported by Psychology Today, Monday, January 24, you may be disappointed when reality doesn't live up to your expectations.

2. Focus on positive things only, escape on unwanted things

Realistic expectations turn out to be more helpful than overly optimistic ones. A study also shows that thinking too positively about the chances of success actually lowers motivation to achieve a goal.

dampak berpikir positif
Illustrations need to think positively naturally (Unsplash/Siora Photography)

The study, published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, found that the most positive expectations about the future predicted poor achievement. Especially when people imagine an ideal future, they actually have less energy and motivation to realize their hopes.

3. Positive thinking has no magical powers

Many think that if you think positive enough, you can magically make anything happen. Even though luck does not all come from positive thinking, it is precisely by excessive positive thinking that you can only see partial reality.

For example, when someone says the interview didn't go well but because his family expects him to say "Think good thoughts". The reality is based on the events during the interview, it is not a miracle to get a job even if the interview session doesn't go well.

4. Positive thinking does not replace positive action

Morin described wearing a seat belt while driving. According to driving safety regulations, it is mandatory to wear a seat belt. But wearing a seat belt does not replace traffic rules when driving.

For example, when someone wants to pass a job interview, it means that they need to study and prepare material accompanied by positive thinking so that they are calmer. But if you only think positively without studying, isn't it potentially not getting what you expect?

5. Positive thinking does not overestimate abilities

Sometimes, too positive thinking makes a person overconfident. In fact, the ability will not increase without more effort. Ability will also not increase just by thinking positively without studying and trying hard.

Morin's message, positive thinking needs to be balanced with efforts to achieve success. That is, positive thinking does not mean you can ignore hard work.

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