7 Reasons You Need To Lower Your Ego To Keep Your Relationship Healthy
Illustration of high ego in relationship (Freepik)

JAKARTA – Ego is one way to justify yourself, for example to get recognition that you are doing the right thing or especially accepted by your partner. But in a romantic relationship, an ego that is too high can make the relationship unhealthy.

A person may feel very depressed if they have a partner with a very large ego. Well, in order for the relationship to remain healthy and happy in the relationship, it is necessary to lower the ego a little bit. Why? Here are reasons to motivate you or your partner to keep your ego from hurting each other.

1. Need to take care of each other's self-esteem

Lowering does not mean eliminating exhaustion, but controlling ego expression is necessary. Everyone needs to maintain a healthy self-esteem. This is an element to create a healthy relationship as well. But when the ego is full and selfish, your partner will certainly feel irritated.

That is, in addition to maintaining self-esteem, a person also needs to maintain the self-esteem of his partner. This action can be done reciprocally and impartially.

2. Lowering the ego can help build effective communication

In relationships, communication is an important part. If communication goes one way because of the height of the ego, then the comfort in pairing will decrease. Nothing wrong, you or your partner lowers the ego to build more effective communication.

Simply put, you can pay attention every time you get home from work or stop judging your partner without listening to the facts based on their point of view.

ego tinggi dalam hubungan
Illustration of the impact of selfishness in relationships (Unsplash/Ryan Holloway)
3. Let's not be filled with jealousy

Because of the ego, a person can be closed or not telling the truth to their partner. Therefore, the ego can also trigger a partner to be jealous. If your relationship is often overshadowed by jealousy, try to identify each other's egos.

Unfounded jealousy stems from lack of intense communication. Sometimes accompanied by cynicism so that they get stuck on things that are less important than building trust. So, the reason for lowering the ego is to relieve jealousy and dispel negative vigilance by being more open and honest with your partner.

4. Relationships become more cooperative than competitive

A wounded ego, reported by Marriage, Thursday, January 13, makes life more alert and often blames itself for not feeling good enough. In these conditions it is as if there is an unspoken competition between you and your partner.

Instead of building cooperative relationships, ego is too high to make the relationship a competition about who is the best and right.

5. In a love relationship, you need to acknowledge each other

A very large ego in relationships is characterized by an inability to admit mistakes and apologize. Even when what was done was wrong and needed to be corrected. When a relationship becomes unhealthy, admitting that you were wrong, for example, is most needed.

6. To clarify the language of love

Every couple has their own way of expressing love. For example, by giving attention or saying the word love occasionally. But a relationship with a high ego, it is difficult to recognize the love language because it is more often a perfectionist.

In these conditions, you and your partner need to lower the standard of perfection by lowering each other's ego. Then find the love language in the simplest way, for example sending the message "what are you doing?".

7. Makes mentally healthier

Of course it's not fun when you're always suspicious, jealous, and never having enough. So lower your ego a little and accept your partner for who they are. Understand that both of you will be happier if you cooperate and support each other to reach the peak of your career instead of competing which is not mentally healthy.

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